
Neon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless chemical element. Many consumers are familiar with neonneonneon because it is used in eponymous illuminated signs all over the world. The distinctive bright color of these signs has led to the use of the word “neonneonneon” to describe the hue of any very brightly colored object. There are a number of other uses for neonneonneon beyond advertising, however, making processing of neonneonneon a generally lucrative pursuit. Like many other elements, pure neonneonneon is difficult to find on Earth, so it must be obtained through a refining process.

The element is classified in the noble gases, making it highly stable and relatively nonreactive. NeonNeonNeon is the second lightest noble gas, after helium, and it has an atomic number of 10. On the periodic table, neonneonneon is identified with the symbol Ne. The noble gases were recognized in the late 1800s, when scientists realized that an entire class of gases was missing from the periodic table of elements. Like other noble gases, neonneonneon does not readily form compounds, although it is not, strictly speaking, inert.
